Diversity not only encourages Organisations to keep the biases aside but also leads to a deeper level of innovation and creativity, increased ability to localise to new markets, and the ability to be adaptable.
The following is taken from a recent blog by our Global Search Partners – The Taplow Group SA. We are proud to be the New Zealand partners to The Taplow Group. TaplowGroup.com
At The Taplow Group, we assist our partner organisations to advance their diversity goals through our hiring practices.We search for world-class leadership talent and help build outstanding teams that spell both, success and growth.
“Possibilities are endless where diversity exists.”
In the recent times, emphasis on creating a work environment and a value chain, which aims at higher productivity, has become the focal point of organisations. Focus towards incorporating innovative techniques is increasing, and measures to map competent talent are being extensively researched. Furthermore, factors like growing competition and increased demand have prompted companies to extensively invest in and redefine their hiring practices, thus making human capital management the major influencer of any organisations’ growth strategy.
Introduction of candidates from diverse backgrounds has been one successful practice that has resulted in a culturally inclusive and productive environment at many places.Inclusion of people from different ethnicities has enabled organisations to gain insights globally and also to break barriers between nationalities and races,thus resulting in higher productivity. As organisations are looking to become global players, it has become important for them to include talent that can be productive in their various geographical areas. Diversity not only encourages organisations to keep the biases aside but also leads to a deeper level of innovation and creativity, increased ability to localize to new markets, and the ability to be adaptable.
Here area few key parameters to keep in mind to help increase diversity within your organisation:
- Establish diversity as the critical value for the organisation: Think about the future of the organisation!In a competitive space, acquiring talent which is diverse, can give you greater sustainability and an edge over competition as you could be serving more geographies or offering services in more languages etc.
- Switch to performance based hiring approach: This approach gives an equal chance to everyone without any biases creeping it. You can do a skill assessment as a first step to weed out least suitable prospects. This gives you a fair chance of effectively evaluating candidates with different but equal experiences.
- Employ a diverse set of interviewers: Your interview panel can make a difference! A gender mix in your interview panel showcases homogeneity within your organisation thus promoting the prospects to share the ideals and virtues. Interviewers belonging to different genders and races sends out a clear message that biases are not encouraged and only competency is gauged.
Considering the various tenets that organisations explore, in order to increase productivity, diversity within the workforce is a positive step towards growth and success. The prediction for the future says that by 2022 the workforce is expected to comprise of 47% women and 40% minorities. If we find a way to accommodate candidates from diverse backgrounds and become a magnet for openness, diversity and inclusion, we will have stronger companies and stronger futures.
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